Welcome to Katie's 3-Part Video Series for Female Creatives

Challenge #2:



Burnout. The mere implication of it is heavy. So heavy that it can feel impossible to lift. But the burden of burnout is not for you to carry alone.

You can indeed lift it from your life and here's how.


In Video 2, Katie Harman, founder of Virtuosa Society, takes on the burden of burnout and helps to lighten your load with encouragement:

  • Every female creative struggles with balancing time for creative pursuits and very real pressures to "have it all." These impossible standards perpetuate a fear and scarcity mindset. Permission to not have it all at the same time gives birth to radical clarity and more time for meaningful pursuits.
  • Intuition is the key to unlocking radical clarity!
  • Creativity flourishes with sacred nourishment: the "glimmers" rather than . triggers or pressures. Trust your intuition to inform how to best nourish your mind, soul and body and allow space for creativity to flow freely through that nourishment.Â